Industry-leading Insights That Are Driving Transport Forward
Automatic data collection and analytics services for crucial traffic insights. Our data is produced by blending innovative machine learning AI with standard survey methods.
Traffic Surveys
Tracsis Traffic Data is the world's leading provider of transport surveys and advanced analytics

Data Hosting
Save time and money by combining data and realising its potential. Make sustainable efficiencies in real-time with data hosting, visualisation tools and additional insights.

Contact us to discuss your requirements
Get in touch with our team to talk through your project or for a demonstration of our capabilities
Tracsis News
Tracsis Business Development Team Rebrands... Itself!
The Business Development Team has rebranded itself to better describe what we do, and what we offer for our clients.
Cyber Essentials Plus Awarded
Tracsis Traffic Data has been awarded Cyber Essentials Plus certification for its commitment to cybersecurity excellence.
New Information Boards - Boroughbridge Office
The first of our two information boards is now in place in our Tracsis Events & Tracsis Traffic Data, Boroughbridge office!